MoviesJoy Watch Full Length Avengers: Infinity War

Avengers: Infinity War MoviesJoy



Review - Now that Earth has put its mark on the universe through the Avengers, all superheroes, including ones from other parts of the Galaxy, must join forces to stop the powerful Thanos from taking all the infinity stones and destroying the universe one planet at a time Joe Russo 2018 Genre - Sci-Fi Actor - Robert Downey Jr Runtime - 149 minute

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Watch full length avengers: infinity warm. I begin with the caveat that this is in fact my first review on this site (even though I have been tempted to rant about others.
I am a major fan of superheroes and the battle between good vs. evil. I have watched every MCU movie to date except Black Panther (didn"t get the chance to yet but will soon. I have enjoyed all of them to varying degrees and for different reasons, but one common element that I felt was lacking was consequence and risk for our heroes. Avengers: Infinity War changes that on a large scale, and it works perfectly for me. I loved it! It provides for a more powerful, emotional experience when the possibility of a villain succeeding is higher.
While this works well for my taste, I can see where some have issue, and I feel the need to caution those who have not seen it. I look to other reviews who have rated this film rather low and have voiced some of these concerns:

  • This is a confusing movie if you have not seen the vast majority of MCU films that predate this one. This film is not standalone and is dependent upon events of previous films and will not provide through exposition for those who haven"t been following along.


  • Those who don"t understand the source material will be bothered by the balance of characters and subplots, and say there is no plot. Some characters will fall into the background and the simplicity (and arguable naivety) of the villain"s plan won"t be complex enough for some movie-goers. This is because most was explained or built up in previous films.


  • This has a lot of fighting. Some call it gratuitous, but it really fits the purpose of the movie. If you don"t like all the fighting, this may not be for you.


  • This is hefty and mature for a Marvel movie. Parents may be blindsided taking their kids to see it. MCU fans who loathe the darkness of DC films need to be cautious as this film risks losing them to tell a larger and more consequential story. This is not a sunshine and rainbows film.


  • Like any film, it is not perfect and lacks in some areas (pacing, continuity, etc. While the hype is well deserved, don"t forget that you are seeing a great movie, not a perfect one. li>

All in all, I recommend this movie to everyone, but be prepared. Avengers: Infinity War will not hold your hand if you"re new to the franchise or to comics, and its not afraid to leave people behind as it takes this risky but awesome leap.


I havent watched a Marvels movie for a long time. I just think they keep on coming to often, I loose interest. But on a 12 hour flight from LA to Europe you kinda have to watch a movie or two. And maaaan this was awesome. Loved the mix of characters, that alone made the film awesome!
How can you give this movie a 5 or even 4 out of ten? Did you guys watch the same movie as I did?


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